January 13, 2021, Alexis Licht, The Asian Climate during the Paleogene: Early Monsoons, Proto-monsoons, or no monsoon? (watch recording on YouTube)
January 20, 2021, Stephen Gallagher, From Monsoons to Desert: 50 Million Years of Australian Climate History. (watch recording on YouTube)
January 27, 2021, Majie Fan, Sedimentary record of Eocene East Asian summer monsoon in the Bohai Bay Basin. (watch recording on YouTube)
February 3, 2021, Hongbo Zheng, Eocene onset of monsoon in Yunnan (SE Tibetan Plateau). (watch recording on YouTube)
February 10, 2021, Beth Christensen, Asian Monsoon: Australia’s connection and contribution. (watch recording on YouTube)
February 17, 2021, Alex Farnsworth, Is one paleogeography better than another? Monsoons though the Mesozoic and Cenozoic using three different paleogeographies (Getech, Scotese and Robertsons). (watch recording on YouTube)
February 24, 2021, Robert Spicer. Emerging perspectives on Asian Cenozoic landscape and monsoon evolution. (watch recording on YouTube).
March 3, 2021, Shiming Wan, Evolution of the East Asian monsoon from tectonic to glacial timescale: perspectives from weathering records in the Asian margin. (watch recording on YouTube).
March 10, 2021, Rasmus Thiede, Middle Miocene rise of the Greater Himalaya and the disruption of orogen transverse drainage systems. (watch recording on YouTube).
March 17, 2021, Stephan Steinke, Evolution and development of the Mid Miocene monsoon. (watch recording on YouTube).
March 24, 2021, Bill Lukens, Reconstructing paleoclimate seasonality from late Oligocene wood fossils: insights into the nascent East Asian Monsoon (watch recording on YouTube)
March 31, 2025, Dick Kroon, On links between development of global climate, oceanic biogenic blooms, and the monsoon during the middle-late Miocene. (watch recording on YouTube)
April 7, 2021, Ann Holbourn, Australasian Monsoon variability on a warmer Miocene Earth (watch recording on YouTube)
April 14, 2021, Tomohisa Irino, Millennial- to orbital-scale variabilities of east Asian summer, winter, and inter-monsoons recorded in a set of sediment archives drilled from the Japan Sea (watch recording on YouTube)
April 21, 2021, Pallavi Anand, Drivers of South Asian Monsoon Rainfall (watch recording on YouTube)
April 28, 2021, Zhifei Liu, Clay mineralogy and Asian monsoon climate: A case study of the South China Sea (watch recording on YouTube)
May 5, 2021, Christian Betzler, Marine record of the monsoon on geological time scales in the Indian Ocean. (watch recording on YouTube)
May 12, 2021, Christophe Colin, Climatic controls of weathering of the Himalayas at millennial to orbital time scales - New constraints from neodymium isotopes in foraminiferas (*live only)
May 19, 2021, Valier Galy, Variations of the Indian summer monsoon since the Miocene recorded in the Bengal Fan. (watch recording on YouTube)
May 26, 2021, Youbin Sun, Chinese loess and paleomonsoon variability.
June 2, 2021, Sam Carter, Strontium and neodymium isotopes from the separated clay fraction in sediments from the Indus Fan. (watch recording on YouTube)
June 16, 2021, Christian France-Lanord, Monsoon controls on weathering and erosion style in the Himalaya. (watch recording on YouTube)
June 23, 2021, Mara Limonta, Petrographic and heavy mineral composition of sediments for Bengal Fan cores. (watch recording on YouTube)
June 30, 2021, Steve Clemens, The Indian summer monsoon rainfall/runoff response to orbital and internal forcings; proxy synthesis and proxy model comparisons (watch recording on YouTube).
July 7, 2021, Mid Session Panel Discussion
Panel Host:
Rick Murray, Deputy Director and Vice President for Science and Engineering at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Panel Members:
Beth Christensen, Professor and Founding Chair, Rowan University, USA
Ann Holbourn, Scientist, Institute of Geosciences Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, Germany
Hongbo Zheng, Director, Professor, Research Centre for Earth System Science, Yunnan University, China
Ryuji Tada, Emeritus Professor, Dept. of Earth and Planetary Science, University of Tokyo; Senior Staff Scientist, Institute for Geo-Cosmology, Chiba Institute of Technology, Japan
September 1, 2021, Peter Clift, Evolution of the Asian Monsoon and its Impact on Erosion and Tectonics of the Himalaya (watch recording on YouTube)
September 8, 2021, Zhaokai Xu/Hongjin Chen, Enhanced terrigenous input into the tropical Pacific and Indian Oceans during the Quaternary glacial periods: Forcing mechanisms and implications for atmospheric CO2 sink (watch recording on YouTube)
September 15, 2021, Samantha Bova, Orbital-scale hydroclimate variability in the Western Pacific Warm Pool over the last 2 Myrs (watch recording on YouTube)
September 22, 2021, Arun D. Singh, Monsoon-induced millennial scale changes in the water column hydrography of the Arabian Sea (watch recording on YouTube)
September 29, 2021, Kau Thirumalai, Extreme Indian paleomonsoon states and productivity collapses in the Bay of Bengal since the Last Glacial Maximum (watch recording on YouTube)
October 6, 2021, Ed Hathorne, A tale of tectonics, global climate and the monsoon: Miocene silicate weathering around the Bay of Bengal (watch recording on YouTube)
October 13, 2021, Stephanie Tofelde, South American Summer Monsoon and its impact on sediment transport in the Southern Central Andes (watch recording on YouTube)
November 10, 2021, Geanina Butiseaca, The impact of Paratethys over the Eurasian climate during the late Miocene, (watch recording on YouTube)
November 17, 2021, Yama Dixit, Indian monsoon evolution after the last glacial period spanning the entire Holocene, (watch recording on YouTube)
November 24, 2021, Kathleen Johnson, Monsoons, tropical rainfall, and climate change: A paleoclimate perspective from Southeast Asia (watch recording on YouTube)
December 1, 2021, Anil Gupta, Late Quaternary Indian monsoon variability and its influence on South Asian societies (watch recording on YouTube)
December 8, 2021, Jeroen Groeneveld, Impact of Southern Hemisphere high latitudes on the (South) Asian monsoon. (watch recording on YouTube).
January 19, 2022, Prasanta Samyal, Variation in the North East Indian Monsoon precipitation and its impact on C3-C4 plants during the late Holocene (watch recording on YouTube)
January 26, 2022, Sergio Ando, The Himalayan sedimentary record stored in the Indian Ocean: a mineralogical and petrographic perspective (watch recording on YouTube)
February 2, 2022, Kenji Matsuzaki, Major re-organisation in marine ecosystem during the Late Miocene Global Cooling caused by changes in major monsoonal mode (watch recording on YouTube)
February 9, 2022, Mahyar Mohtadi, Quaternary Environmental History of Indonesia. (watch recording on YouTube)
February 23, 2022. Cristiano Chiess, Orbital and millennial-scale changes in tropical South American precipitation: causes and consequences. (watch recording on YouTube)
March 2, 2022. Yoshimi Kubota. Local and remote drivers of East Asian millennial-scale climate; monsoon proxy comparison (marine vs. speleothem). (watch recording on YouTube)
March 16, 2022. Kana Nagashima, East Asian summer monsoon-Westerly jet connection at millennial-timescale. (watch recording on YouTube)
March 30, 2022. Xiaoli Zhou, A proxy view on Cenozoic ocean chemistry and continental weathering. (watch recording on YouTube)
April 6, 2022. Yama Dixit, Indian monsoon evolution after the last glacial period spanning the entire Holocene. (watch recording on YouTube)
April 13, 2022. Rajeev Saraswat, Decadal to millennial variability in the Indian monsoon and its global implications. (watch recording on YouTube)
April 27, 2022. Hema Achyuthan, Monsoon Dynamics (Southwest and Northeast) and their impact on the Quaternary landscape evolution of Coastal Tamil Nadu, India. (watch recording on YouTube)
May 11, 2022. Francisco Pausata, The Green Sahara and its climatic consequence: from past to future. (watch on YouTube)
May 25, 2022, Raj K. Singh, Evolution and variability in Asian Monsoon system since the Late Miocene. (watch on YouTube)
August 31, 2022. Pawan Govil, Understanding the Indian monsoon with proxy records from the Northern Indian Ocean. (watch on YouTube)
September 8, 2022. Bob Raynolds, Evolution of fluvial systems in the Mio-Pliocene of the Pakistani foreland basin: evidence from the Siwalik Group. (watch on YouTube)
September 14, 2022. Dharmendra Pratap Singh, A new perspective on the Indian monsoon and related processes during the late Quaternary. (watch on YouTube)
September 21, 2022. Paul Betka, Late Cenozoic Tectonic and Climate Interactions Recorded within the Ancestral Brahmaputra Delta (watch on YouTube)
September 28, 2022. Coralie Zorzi, When northeast India oscillated between desert and savannah (watch on YouTube)
October 5, 2022. Catherine Badgley, Mammalian faunal change over the Miocene of Pakistan and environmental changes (watch on YouTube)
October 19, 2022. Sudhir Bhadra, Indian monsoon variability in the Pleistocene as recorded by the planktic foraminifera from the Bay of Bengal (watch on YouTube)
October 26, 2022. Praveen K. Mishra, Asynchronous Indian summer monsoon (ISM) or regional climate: a N-S transect over India (watch on YouTube)
November 2, 2022. Anta-Clarisse Sarr, Paleogeography and Neogene monsoon winds and rainfall evolution (watch on YouTube)
November 9, 2022. Torsten Haberzettl, Monsoon on the roof of the word - the road to an ICDP drilling at Lake Nam Co (watch on YouTube).
November 16, 2022. Mathias Vuille, South American monsoon reconstruction for the last millennium using isotopic proxies (watch on Youtube).
November 23, 2022. Alex Webb, The evolution of Himalayan tectonics models and their implications for South Asian monsoon development (watch on YouTube).
November 30, 2022. Clara T. Bolton, Past Biological Export Productivity and the South Asian Monsoon – A Tale of Two Drivers (watch on YouTube).
December 7, 2022. André Bahr, Past Impacts of Ocean Circulation Changes on Precipitation in Tropical South America - Lessons for the Future? (watch on YouTube).